By train
The most convenient means of transport to Park 360 is by train. Find more information and timetables on the IDOS website or you can also find the information about tickets and timetables on the Czech Railways website or the Regiojet website.
From Prague
There is a direct connection from Prague to Hradec Králové several times a day. In addition, there is the possibility of several connections with a change in Pardubice.
From Brno
Unfortunately there is no direct route to Hradec Králové from Brno, you have to change the train at the main station in Pardubice. When travelling by train from Brno to Pardubice you can use more than one carrier.
From Ostrava
Just like from Brno, there is no direct railway line from Ostrava to Hradec Králové. There are several daily connections from Ostrava to Pardubice, where you change to a connection to Hradec Králové.
From Germany
From Germany, you can get to the Park 360 with one transfer in Prague. From Prague, there is a direct connection to Hradec Králové several times a day. Besides, there are several connections with a transfer in Pardubice.
From Austria
From Vienna, you can travel by Czech Railways or Regiojet directly to Pardubice, where you will transfer to Hradec Králové.
On the way from Linz and its surrounding area, it is easiest to get to Vienna and from there continue to Pardubice and Hradec Králové.
From Poland
If you take a train from Poland, you have to go through Ostrava, from where you get to Pardubice, where you change to train to Hradec Králové.